Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Android Game Review: Skyward

"A great journey to the sky starts with a single step"

Skyward is a mobile game published by Ketchapp that challenges your skills.

The gameplay is as simple as taping the screen at the right moment. With beautiful graphics, Skyward will lead you to a fantastic journey to the sky!

In the game you will have this blue and red disk gravitating one around each other, "walking" you through different patterns of paths. Tap the screen when the moving disk is flying above some surface or the whole thing will collapse!

As you advance you earn points and unlock new patterns that will, for instance, boost, slow, or invert the movement of the disks.

Guys, there's no way to explain how exciting is this! You have to try it yourself! :) Oh, and by the way check our playthrough video:

Have fun!

Monday, February 9, 2015

AndEngine Tutorial 1 - Drawing Rectangles

With this AndEngine tutorial you'll learn how to easily draw shapes.

AndEngine Tutorial 1 - Drawing Rectangles

Hello again to our first series of AndEngine tutorials. At this point you already should be able to create a Basic Game Activity (check our last tutorial here). You can use the Basic Game Activity template in any of our tutorials in this series.

Today we are going to learn how to draw rectangles easily in AndEngine.

This is very handfull when you need to create simple interface elements, so let's start.

Remember our background from our last tutorial? Let's change its color to become more pleasant.

myScene.setBackground(new Background(0.384f, 0.412f, 0.325f));

Before drawing anything, let's define the VertexBufferObjectManager that is used by AndEngine to draw basically anything. The best way to use it is to create a variable that we can call at any time in our game, so we don't need to call it everytime we draw something. To do that, put this line of code just before the EngineOptions of your Basic Game Activity:

private VertexBufferObjectManager vbom;

Then we add this line to the class onCreateResources:

vbom = getVertexBufferObjectManager();

Drawing rectangles

Now let's draw rectangles! The Rectangle function is pretty simple to use. You just need to define starting point and dimensions (width and height). Try to include these four lines in the onPopulateScene class and see what happens:

  Rectangle rectangle1 = new Rectangle(384, 1080, 718, 50, vbom);
  rectangle1.setColor(0.894f, 0.980f, 0.694f);
  Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle(384, 1045, 718, 20, vbom);
  rectangle2.setColor(0.776f, 0.894f, 0.506f);
  Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle(384, 200, 718, 50, vbom);
  rectangle3.setColor(0.894f, 0.980f, 0.694f);
  Rectangle rectangle4 = new Rectangle(384, 165, 718, 20, vbom);
  rectangle4.setColor(0.776f, 0.894f, 0.506f);

Looks nice, doesn't it? :)

Of course you can create things in batch! Try this, for example:

  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
   for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
    Rectangle shadow = new Rectangle(192 * (j + 1), 100 + 265 * (i + 1), 100, 100, vbom);
    shadow.setColor(0.329f, 0.380f, 0.435f);
    Rectangle front = new Rectangle(192 * (j + 1), 120 + 265 * (i + 1), 100, 100, vbom);
    front.setColor(0.859f, 0.471f, 0.463f);

Now notice that you have rotated the rectangles. Also, the ones you attach first will be under those you attach afterwards (then attatch shadows first, like in the example)

At the end of this tutorial you should get something like this:

If you think you missed something, here is the full code:

public class MainActivity extends BaseGameActivity {
 private Camera camera;
 private static int CAMERA_WIDTH = 768;
 private static int CAMERA_HEIGHT = 1280;
 private Scene myScene;
 private VertexBufferObjectManager vbom;

 public EngineOptions onCreateEngineOptions() {
  camera = new Camera(0, 0, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT);
     EngineOptions engineOptions = new EngineOptions(true, ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT_FIXED, new RatioResolutionPolicy(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT), camera);
     return engineOptions;

 public void onCreateResources(
   OnCreateResourcesCallback pOnCreateResourcesCallback)
   throws IOException {
  vbom = getVertexBufferObjectManager();

 public void onCreateScene(OnCreateSceneCallback pOnCreateSceneCallback) throws IOException {
  myScene = new Scene();
  myScene.setBackground(new Background(0.384f, 0.412f, 0.325f));

 public void onPopulateScene(Scene pScene, OnPopulateSceneCallback pOnPopulateSceneCallback) throws IOException {
  Rectangle rectangle1 = new Rectangle(384, 1080, 718, 50, vbom);
  rectangle1.setColor(0.894f, 0.980f, 0.694f);
  Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle(384, 1045, 718, 20, vbom);
  rectangle2.setColor(0.776f, 0.894f, 0.506f);
  Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle(384, 200, 718, 50, vbom);
  rectangle3.setColor(0.894f, 0.980f, 0.694f);
  Rectangle rectangle4 = new Rectangle(384, 165, 718, 20, vbom);
  rectangle4.setColor(0.776f, 0.894f, 0.506f);
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
   for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
    Rectangle shadow = new Rectangle(192 * (j + 1), 100 + 265 * (i + 1), 100, 100, vbom);
    shadow.setColor(0.329f, 0.380f, 0.435f);
    Rectangle front = new Rectangle(192 * (j + 1), 120 + 265 * (i + 1), 100, 100, vbom);
    front.setColor(0.859f, 0.471f, 0.463f);

AndEngine has also the function Line, which is simple to use, but you should be careful with this one as it doesn't work in all devices. Rectancles are easy and safe to use!

Enjoy it and happy coding!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Android Game Review: Crossy Road

Why did the chicken cross the road? Well, who cares? Let's just help the chicken because it's fun!

If you were born until the early 80's you might remember the game Freeway from Activision for the Atari console. Well, the fun Crossy Road play with this simple idea, but full of features!

A game about helping a chicken to cross the road? How can it be fun? Well, Yodo1 really did a great job with this title and made a very fun game based in this simple idea.

You start controlling a chicken... yes a chicken! You can move it up, down, right and left with simple touch movements. But here you don't only cross roads, you cross forests, rivers, rails, and also need to collect coins to earn prizes.

The more coins you collect more points and prizes you can get. The prizes are new characters, than if you don't like chickens you can play with a fluffy sheep, a lucky cat, a poopy pigeon (ykes!), a fast tortoise, a ghost (why not?), a grave digger, and a forget-me-not (what???), just to mention a few.

You have also the option to buy characters and to compare your score with your friends in the leaderboard.

As we are game lovers, of course we love to play games! Well, watch our playthrough here:

Have fun!